Frequently asked questions

ProtoCentral HealthyPi v4

Frequently asked questions

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Question Solution
* Which microcontroller is used? -ESP32, in WROOM32 module format, with a Dual-core Xtensa 32-bit CPU, 4 MB of on-board flash.
* How can I identify device communication with BLE ? -Once connected through the BLE, the Yellow LED will stop blinking. -When it is disconnected then the Yellow LED starts blinking.
* What is the range of wireless frequency? -There is a 2.4 GHz radio with an on-board PCB antenna that is compatible with Bluetooth 4.2 and BLE.
* What is the power source? -There is a Lipo battery (3.7V, 1000 mAH) as a power source which is provided along with the Healthypi v4 board.
* Is the battery rechargeable? -Yes, the battery is rechargeable. There is an On-board USB battery charger, plug in the battery to the board and then connect the USB cable.
* What is the supply voltage? -It is 3.3V.
* Which file should be selected while OTA update ? -Binary file.
* How to upload SPIFFS? -Download ESP32FS, unzip the folder in Arduino IDE tools folder and open the Arduino IDE. You will find an option for ESP sketch data upload in tools.
* For how long the data can be recorded? -Data can be recorded till the battery drains.
* Does the board have firmware uploaded? -Yes, the firmware has been uploaded. The board is ready to use.
* How to install ESP32 Board Support in Arduino IDE? -In Arduino IDE, Tools->Board->Board manager, search for ESP32 by Espressif Systems, select version no as 1.0.4 and install.
* What if you add SSID and Password multiple times? -The SSID and Password entered before are replaced by the new SSID and Password.
* What communication protocols are the sensors working in Healthypi ? -ADS1292R and AFE4490 works with SPI communication, MAX30205 work with I2C communication.
* Does the board work without a battery ? -No, some of the peripherals in the board may or may not power up when the board is powered up using other power sources like USB cable, power bank and so on. So, it is recommended to use the board with the Lipo battery provided along with the board.
* What are the username and password for OTA login? -The username is "admin" and password is also "admin".
* What if the changed WIFI credential is incorrect? -It'll check the network for 60 seconds, if it's not found, it'll go to Soft-Ap mode with Blue LED blinking 6 times.
* What is the baud rate used for serial communication ? -The baud rate used for serial communication is 115200.
* How to install processing ? -You can install the processing from https:/ / download/. Select your operating system and download it. Finish the setup and install it.
* If WiFi is not connecting, what needs to be done next ? - If the board does not connect to the required WiFi network, the board restarts and operates with SoftAP.
* Which version of the ESP32 library is used in the Arduino IDE ? -The version of esp32 used is 1.0.4.
* Can this be used for machine learning ? -Yes, it can be used for machine learning.
* Can the recorded data be transmitted over long distances via BLE and the web server ? -The recorded data will be stored as a csv format in a mobile. The user can transfer the file using Bluetooth or other communication available on the phone.
* Is Healthypi v4 compatible with all versions of Raspberry Pi ? -Healthypi v4 testing was performed with Raspberry Pi 4.
* Does the quality of the ECG depend on the position of the sensor patch ? -Yes, the quality of the ECG depends on the position of the sensor patch.
* Does this give accurate results while recording when there is any movement ? -Slight variation can be observed in the ECG output if there is any movement while recording.
* Is the Healthypi v4 mobile application free of cost? -Yes, it is a available open.
* Are there any provisions to add other sensors? -The user can add an additional sensor with I2C communication protocol.
* Is Firmware Open Source for Healthy Pi ? -Yes, the HealthyPi v4 firmware is open source.
* How do I get Healthypi v4 firmware ? -The firmware is available in the ProtoCentral HealthyPi v4 GitHub repository.
* Can healthypi be used to detect various heart conditions like Afib, Tachycardia and so on? -Arrhythmia conditions like Tachycardia and Bradycardia are detected based on Heart Rate and Healthypi v4 displays Heart Rate, the user can modify the firmware to detect these conditions.
* Which pins of ESP32 are used for the ADS1292r? -Data pin, Chip select pin, Start pin and the pwdn pin of ADS1292r are connected to pins 26, 13, 14 and 27 of ESP32 respectively. For further details refer to the schematic in the GitHub repository.
* How many users can connect to the ESP32 Soft AP mode at a time? -Currently, a maximum of four users can be connected to a ESP32 SoftAP.
* For real life applications, how accurate is the result? -MAX30205 has an accuracy of 1oC, ADS1292r provides an accuracy of ±2% while AFE4490 provides an accuracy of ±5%.